If you really want to hear some hootin' and hollerin', just wait until the gates open for the "Rat-ucky Derby!" Our live mouse races are extremely popular and go great alongside a full casino party or can stand alone for an evening’s entertainment.
How does it work?
Our standard program is to run 6 races with a championship
7th race that pits the previous winners head-to-head for a Grand Champion Winner.
Our track is 10 feet long and stands upright on a skirted table. Each track is individually lit so everyone throughout the room can view all the action. We bring in our own sound system with microphone to call the action as it’s happening and are happy to use it to play music throughout the night when not calling races.
Personalize your races
One of the personal touches we offer that really generates excitement is allowing you to personally name each mouse. We recommend naming them after people who will be in attendance at your event, as people love to bet on, and cheer for, their “own” mouse!
If you don’t want to come up with names for all 36 mice, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with all kinds of fun names like “Secretari-Rat” and “Rat-tat-too-e!”