Looking to raise funds for your group or organization and want to have a great time doing it? You've come to the right place! We understand that with any fundraiser, your primary goal is to raise the most money possible. And casino party fundraisers do just that!
Rather than just asking contributors to make donations, your guests are treated to an evening of fun and excitement, all while supporting a worthy cause. It's not just a donation; it's a fun-filled night out!
How it Works
Guests receive a "fun money voucher" in exchange for their admission ticket. This voucher can then be cashed in for gaming chips. Throughout the evening, players can "buy up" by purchasing more gaming chips (and thus raise more funds for your group). At the end of the evening, players use their gaming chips to purchase raffle tickets to win (donated) prizes. It's a win-win!
Types of Fundraisers
No matter the size of your group or organization, we can help you plan the perfect fundraiser. We've worked with groups ranging from t-ball teams to corporations with hundreds of employees.
Casino Party Fundraisers
Our packages can accommodate parties ranging from 20 to 500 guests. We offer the widest variety of table games in town; and with nearly 30 years experience, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to ensure fundraising success! Learn more about our casino parties and then contact us to request a copy of our booklet, "How to Have a Successful Las Vegas Night Fundraiser."
Mouse Racing Fundraisers
For smaller groups, our "Ratucky Derby" mouse races offer a perfect stand-alone fundraising opportunity! Our live mouse races are pure fun. Mouse races can also be added to any casino party fundraiser. Click here to learn more and watch a race for yourself. Then contact us to request a copy of our booklet, "How to Have a Successful Mouse Race Fundraiser."
Poker Tournament Fundraisers
With the amazing popularity of Texas Holdem, a poker tournament fundraiser is one of the best ways to maximize your fundraising potential. Click here to learn more about our poker tournaments and then contact us to request a copy of our booklet, "How to Have a Successful No Limit Texas Holdem Fundraiser."